Monday, September 7, 2009

General frustration

You guys always know I have a lot going on. But the key to having a hot sex life is having the old faithful guys that you can count on when you need to fuck. I have had some problems recently with my regular tricks. First, Space is MIA. I have no idea what has happened to him. It's not unusual, I expect him to pop up soon. Second, UofC has a boyfriend. I know he'll be back but for now he's unavailable. I hate when guys get all lovey dovey, even with me. Third, I've decided after the last event that I am not going to be fucking waiter boy again. I don't care if he text stalks me or what, I'm over it. Done. Moving on. Fourth, I don't care how many times Hot Chocolate calls, texts, emails, I'm done. I wouldn't fuck him with again ever. No way, no how, not happening. I'm flattered by the continual requests because most guys, short of stalkers, give up. And as big a mess as he is, he is not a stalker. I'm on the hunt for new ass. So the stories should be hot but keep in mind that I'm looking for regulars.

Later bitches.

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